Thursday 26 July 2012

School Days HQ Collector's Edition Unboxing

Yaaaay! I finally got my School Days game.

Fansubbers Sekai Project together with JAST and Overflow have released School Days HQ in English - fully uncensored.

This is great news. It's been a while since I've been so excited about a visual novel, largely because there haven't been too many English releases. It's very exciting to see JAST team up with fansubbers to produce a high quality, licensed release. This might signal the way forward to release more similar games in the future.

Combining the knowledge and passion of fansubbers with the resources and infrastructure of experienced publishers gives us the opportunity to enjoy professionally released and uncensored games.

It also supports the original developers in Japan and gives them a tangible measure of the interest the West have in their games. Ero games have a bad reputation here thanks to sensationalist reporters who had nothing else to write about. This led to many Japanese ero game developers blocking foreign IP addresses. I'm not really sure what they hoped this would achieve but it also meant that people who had a legitimate interest in their products were barred from visiting their sites without a proxy.

School Days HQ deserves our support. I haven't played it yet (I haven't even installed it!) but on principle alone, I think the team responsible for the localization need to be commended. I really hope that this game sells well because if it does, we can look forward to even more!

Enough talking. Pictures.

The Collector's Edition comes in a large box. Front.


The DVD case

The keyring is obviously based on the Yukkuri Shiteitte ne! meme. I don't really like it and can't see myself ever using it.

Finally, the best part of the Collector's Edition:

The oppai pad! I can't see myself ever using this either but I do like it!
The boobs are quite soft compared to other oppai pads I have. You can trust me on this - I'm an expert.

The Collector's Edition costs $59.95 which is $20 more than the standard version. I think it's well worth the extra money given that this is meant to be a limited edition mouse pad and that these things can cost well over $20 separately.

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